Monday, April 6, 2009

Executive Board Bios

President- David Matulewicz

David Matulewicz, is a rising senior at Flagler College. He has been serving the SGA since his freshman year, and in that time he has held positions on the executive board twice as Secretary, chaired the constitutional committee, and worked on the committee that created the Safe Ride Proposal.

Some of his main goals for this coming school year are:

1. Creation of a Safe Ride Program, to provide free transportation to all Flagler College students in unsafe situations, to prevent the risks posed by drunk driving and unsafe situations.
2. Doubling SGA funded club grants, so that clubs can do more.
3. Recycling. The recycling program at Flagler is off to a good start, but is in danger of dying from lack of funding. As President David wants to make recycling a priority along with other green initiatives, and create job opportunities by staffing the recycling program with work study students.
4. Study Abroad programs for no cost to students of all majors. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well it isn't. Flagler would enroll our school in the International Student Exchange Program, the same program used by Eckerd College. It allows you to pay tuition to Flagler College like any other semester, then spend a full semester abroad at any one of 100+ institutions. Look into it at

Vice President- Sara Brown

Sara Brown is a rising senior from Jacksonville, Fl. Sara is a Communication major who has been involved as SGA since her Freshman year. As a Sophomore, she served on Leadership team, and this year she served as an actively involved senator earning herself a spot on a few of the faculty senate committees.

Here are some of the ideas/concerns she would like to accomplish

1. Safe Ride. We need to let students get back to campus safely. This isn't a program simply for students who have been drinking, this is a program for students who feel they are in an unsafe situation. Other college's have this program, why don't we? Let's get our students home safely.

2. Recycling. There is an obvious interest among students to have a recycling program. There is no need to stop something that has been doing so well.

3. AFICU. As someone who has gone to the conference twice, she has learned that this is a great way to learn new ideas and approaches from different Florida colleges. It will be held at Flagler next year, and as Vice President, coordinating this would be one of my major tasks. At the last conference we have learned about other programs on campus that would be so awesome to have on our campus. An awesome one that Sara would like to start rolling (literally) is the Yellow Bike Program.

4. Student involvement- Let's get the student's involved. What do they want? Those are some of the ideas I would like to see at Flagler. But, what do you want?

Secretary- Major Thompson

Major, a rising sophomore from Tallahassee, is a double major in Political Science and Economics with a Pre-Law minor. He has been involved in Student Government the entirety of his freshman year and got appointed to the Second Chair of Academics mid-January.

Major has helped design the current SGA shirt and has drafted the proposal for an Honor Code which is awaiting approval.

As Secretary, Major is planning on making all SGA minutes available to anyone who wants to see what SGA is up to and is planning a monthly calendar to keep everyone up-to-date with SGA activities.

Treasurer- Jeff Wheeler

Jeff, a native of Orlando, has also been involved in Student Government for two years. He is currently involved on the Leadership team on Publicity Committee for Student Government. The committee creates all the SGA advertisements you see on campus and is responsible for the Random Acts of Kindness program throughout the past two semesters.

Jeff is a rising junior who is a Business Major and a Pre-Law minor. Jeff plans on working on a proposed budget within the next few weeks with the executive board. He is responsible for all SGA spending throughout the entirety of the 2009-2010 school year.

New Year, New team

Congratulations to the NEW 2009-2010 Flagler College Student Government Executive Board.

President- David Matulewicz
Vice President- Sara Brown
Secretary – Major Thompson
Treasurer – Jeff Wheeler

The Leadership team positions will be being filled within the next week. If you are interesting in getting involved, contact David at